Workshop “Flexible Engineering “, Rome December 14, 2017
The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” will guest the workshop titled “Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft“. The event is organized by Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, respectively professor of Machine Design and researcher at the Enterprise Engineering department “Mario Lucertini”. The workshop comes as conclusion of two EU funded research projects in which the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” was involved: RBF4AERO and RIBES. The aim is to present the status of research in the aerospace field and to highlight the recent achievements in analysis and design methodologies adopted in the aircraft design process. Professors and engineers active in EU research programs, from several academic, industry and research institutions, will provide an overview on topics as Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamic Robust Design and Shape Optimization.
Particular attention is addressed to fluid-structure numerical methodologies to face static and dynamic aeroelastic problems. In aerospace engineering, in fact, the flexibility of structures plays a crucial role in several aspects of design processes. The capability to evaluate the interaction between aerodynamic, inertia and elastic forces is important to avoid drag penalties, control system efficiency loss and generation of potentially dangerous phenomena as divergence, control reversal and flutter. A significant part of the agenda is dedicated to the progress of “high fidelity” CFD-CSM coupling and to the description of the recent experimental activities performed to support the validation of numerical Fluid-Structure Interaction analysis methodologies.
The workshop is addressed to students and engineers who want to be updated on the state of the art in aerospace technologies. The participation is free but people interested in attending the event are kindly asked to register or to contact professor Biancolini.
- 09.00 – Registration
- 09.20 – Marco E. Biancolini (Associate Professor – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Welcome
- 09.30 – Paolo Colombo (Global Aerospace & Defense Industry Director – ANSYS), “The evolution of simulation for Aerospace & Defense”
- 10.00 – Emiliano Costa (Project Manager – RINA Consulting), “RBF4AERO: Reshaping the future of aircraft design”
- 10.30 – Fabrizio Nicolosi (Associate Professor – University of Naples “Federico II”), “Aeroelastic experimental measurements on the RIBES wing”
- 11.00 – Ubaldo Cella (Senior Researcher – Design Methods), “High Fidelity FSI analysis methods and their validation within the EU RIBES project”
- 11.30 – Coffee break
- 12.00 – Franco Mastroddi (Associate Professor – University of Rome “La Sapienza”), “Some issues and challenges on aeroelastic modelling and multi-disciplinary design of aero-space vehicles”
- 12.30 – Domenico Quagliarella (Head of the Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Group – CIRA), “Robust Aerodynamic Design of a Supersonic Wing-Body for Natural Laminar Flow ”
- 13.00 – Massimiliano Genta (Design Loads Engineer – Piaggio Aerospace), “Interaction between gusts and loads of highly flexible wings: the AeroGust EU project”
- 13.30 – Open session
December 14, 9.00 – 14.00
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Aula Convegni Ingegneria,
via del Politecnico 1, Rome
The event is organized with the collaboration of:
Global leader in engineering simulation
Software vendor and consulting engineering