Flexible Engineering
The workshop “Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft” was yeld, December 14th, in Rome at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
A webex connection was arranged to allow following the event online.
At the following links is possible to download the presentations:
Marco E. Biancolini (Associate Professor – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”),
“FSI Tools atTor Vergata”
Paolo Colombo (Global Aerospace & Defense Industry Director – ANSYS),
“Digitalization of Aerospace & Defense”
Emiliano Costa (Project Manager – RINA Consulting),
“Reshaping the future of aircraft design”
Fabrizio Nicolosi (Associate Professor – University of Naples “Federico II”),
“Aeroelastic Experimental measurements on the RIBES wing”
Ubaldo Cella (Senior Researcher – Design Methods),
“High Fidelity FSI analysis methods and their validation within the EU RIBES project”
Franco Mastroddi (Associate Professor – University of Rome “La Sapienza”),
“Some issues and challenges on aeroelastic modelling and multi-disciplinary design of aero-space vehicles”
Domenico Quagliarella (Head of the Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Group – CIRA),
“Robust Aerodynamic Design of a Supersonic Wing-Body for Natural Laminar Flow”
Massimiliano Genta (Design Loads Engineer – Piaggio Aerospace),
“Interaction between gusts and loads of highly flexible wings: the AeroGust EU project“